Your name in chinese Emma Jane

How is Emma Jane written in chinese?

Emma Jane in simplified chinese:


Emma Jane in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Emma Jane in chinese?

Emma Jane transcribed to pinyin:

ài mǎ jiǎn

Pronunciation of Emma Jane in chinese:

Picture of the name Emma Jane in chinese:

The name Emma Jane in chinese characters

Meaning of Emma Jane characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
artemisia, mugwort; translit.
agate; cornelian
simple, terse, succinct, a letter

Example sentences that contain Emma Jane in chinese:

Emma Jane's favorite fruit is the banana


àimǎjiǎn zuì xǐhuān de shuǐguǒ shì xiāngjiāo

Emma Jane's favorite color is white


àimǎjiǎn zuì xǐhuān de yánsè shì báisè

Emma Jane now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
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Lobna 洛布娜
Cuy 库伊
Cassady 卡萨迪
Angeles Mizuki 安吉利斯水木
Lita 丽塔

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